Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thoughts on Alas Babylon

Although I found reading Zizek to be like pulling teeth, I really did thoroughly enjoy reading Alas Babylon. The part I most enjoyed was wondering what it would be like, to try to survive an event like that with the technology we have today. I can't help but think that although many of our gadgets would be completely useless, some of our modern devices would make surviving significantly easier. Like solar power for example; even if most people don't have solar panels laying around. In a post apocalypse Florida, there are probable four or five down every street, powering road equipment. Grab these and some rechargeable batteries (or better yet, ultra-capacitors) and you are set with power for life.:) The main thing that annoyed the engineer in me with this book, was that the characters never figured out that they could simply take the alternator out of the car, and hand crank it, in order to generate power for the car batteries. Anyways definitely should assign Alas Babylon for future classes.

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