Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Seabreeze Restoration part 4: Power Storage

To me a sailboat is a basically a giant experiment. A floating oasis upon which I can test alternative ways to live comfortably an sustainably with the natural world. In order to enjoy modern conveniences you need some form of power, and if you have power, you need a way to efficiently store that power for later use. Batteries or fuel are the traditional way to achieve this; but both will eventually run out or degrade.
    A bit of modern technology that stands to replace battery technology and solve the issue of energy storage, is the ultra-capacitor. Ultra-capacitors function like batteries but do not store energy through chemical reactions. They last virtually forever, having millions of charge and discharge cycles without degrading. And can be charged and discharged almost instantly, unlike batteries that require several hours to charge. There only drawback is that they still weigh slightly more than batteries and are a little expensive.
    I recently bought 10 large ultra-capacitors that will store enough power to run all of the appliances on the boat without ever needing to be replaced. 
Again, we have the technology to make our world way more sustainable, we just need to use it.

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